Wrap N’ Nap

Enjoy the many benefits of our Wrap N’ Nap today!
This Wrap N’ Nap is a one of a kind experience. Infrared Therapy - whole Body

Our Wrap N’ Nap takes the “Nap” to a whole new level.  The SoQi (sokey) massage aka “NAP” is what the rage is all about in New York , but you don’t have to go to New York to enjoy an exceptional  Power Nap.  Learn how our SoQi Massage is so much more than just a “Power Nap” here!

In addition to the FAR INFRARED  you’ll also enjoy the hypnotic movement our our Patented Chi Machine (not all movement machines are the same).  With over 38 years of research moving the body from side to side, like a fish, the research shares that the body begins to pump spinal fluid up the spine, stimulates the lymphatic system, massages the body, works the body out while you are flat on your back doing nothing, and no one has
ever touched you.  The best part – you are burning 900 calories an hour!!  However, we still encourage you to workout for muscle and heart strength.

This 60 minute session is perfect before a massage or a chiropractic adjustment.  So plan ahead and make the day about your well being.  One day for you, will put you onto a great week ahead.

PLUS…. “When you Change your thought, you change your mind”  Ellen Chernoff Simon.  During your 60 minute SoQi Massage you have a choice between Ellen’s guided imagery or music.  Either way your subconscious mind is relaxed and making life. mind and body changes.

After you wake up and come “out of” of your  deep relaxed NAP, be prepared to experience energy like never before that day.  Not only are you more cognitive but your energy level is off the chart – you just feel good!   Yes, there are additional side effects from your NAP.   Great, great sleep that night.  Oh darn right?  And there is more….

Now the “SEE it WORK NOW” effects of our WRAPS are beyond amazing.  I know, it’s me talking, Wrap N Nap Facebut I am telling you after 10 years of practicing in the Esthetic Industry,  you don’t have to hurt, bleed or recover from a treatment to have Great Results.

Our “progressive NOT aggressive philosophy has proven through the years  you don’t need to hurt or recover to get Great “inch loss and skin firming” Results.  Our wraps come with a  proven European History, you can learn more here but see the results for yourself.

Clients love the results of our wraps.  Not only are they effective but affordable to.  So Book your Wrap N’ Nap here today to begin your amazing transforming journey.  You’re gonna love the way you look and feel.

Wrap N Nap Face
Wrap N Nap mouthWrap N Nap side face

One day at a timeWrap N Nap TummyThigh wraps

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